
Rediscovering the heroic story of my great grandfather Fidel A. Reyes has truly been a life-changing experience. Years after his editorial “Aves de Rapiña” published, he continues to ignite nationalism in the hearts of journalists, educators, and students in the Philippines. I am filled with gratitude for the change he began in me, and for all his inspiring lessons that continuous to direct my life. He has made real the amazing possibilities of a life lived with courage and dedication to one’s country and its people. Tatay will always be the shining hero in my life. He has helped me become a more involved, enthusiastic, and hopeful citizen.
Fidel A. Reyes, 1956
Our family’s great patriarch is known for being a national hero, a celebrated journalist, politician, and businessman but all his success did not come from his own plans and ambitions. It was from his willingness to continuously challenge and reinvent himself for the good of his country that allowed him to accomplish so much throughout his life. He set out in the beginning to live an ordinary life as a pharmacist in his hometown but a strong spirit of nationalism led him on a much more extraordinary path. His story is proof of the transforming power of nationalism in one’s life and stands as a reminder of the same hope and potential in each of us. At any point in our lives as people or as a country, we can change and direct ourselves towards a better future.
The heroism of Fidel A. Reyes was not in the single act of writing the revolutionary editorial, “Aves de Rapiña”. His greatness came from his enduring nationalism that allowed him to live an entire lifetime dedicated to his country.  By looking closer at his life as a nationalist we can see and understand the nature of our roles as citizens. Like him, we must continuously stand up and face the challenges before us with courage and a sense of duty.  Each one of us must do what we can big or small to be an active part in bringing our dreams for our country into reality.
If together we follow the heroic footsteps Fidel A. Reyes has laid out for us we would already be well on our way. We will reconnect with our country’s heroes and be grateful for the wealth of inspiration and guidance they provide. We will volunteer our time and energy to support worthy causes beginning in our own communities. We will act as watchdogs to our institutions, staying vigilant against corruption and abuse, probing deeper into issues as informed as citizens. We will vote and campaign for true and dedicated leaders in public office no matter what the odds. We will travel, expand our thinking and better ourselves for the pride and benefit our country and its people. We will empower and uplift Filipinos everywhere, especially the most disadvantaged. We will be our own heroes.